This morning, students had their weekly test with both a written and an oral component. Afterwards, they headed over to the cafeteria to learn how to make Chinese dumplings (jiaozi)! Students learned from master chefs (shifu) how to roll out the dough for the skin, fill the dumplings, and fold them into the correct shape. Students had a lot of fun making the dumplings, with some students folding them into creative shapes (e.g. heart-shaped dumpling, huge dumpling, tiny dumpling, star-shaped dumpling, round dumpling).
Then, students were split into three groups, based on Chinese level, to compete in dumpling-making. Two representatives from each level made 10 dumplings each. They were judged based on speed and quality of dumplings for the first two rounds. The third round was judged based on creative dumpling shapes!
Then the students were judged by the master chef!
Finally, the dumplings were cooked and the students got to eat their own creations for lunch!
After lunch, the students were given free time! Some students went to the zoo, others to the Pearl (Hongqiao) Market, and others off to activities with their host families.
7/12/2013 02:50:12 am


7/12/2013 12:11:16 pm

Nice pictures - I got hungry for dumplings just looking at them !

Peter Herbert
7/12/2013 09:05:09 pm


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