Today the students had their second culture class. This time they had a choice between Chinese dancing, Beijing opera mask-making, kite-making, and Chinese musical instruments. Again, experts were brought in to teach students about traditional Chinese culture and crafts.

In the Chinese dancing class, students learned traditional dances from various locations across China.
In the mask-making class, students chose their favorite Beijing opera masks and proceeded to paint them.
In the kite-making class, students made their own kites (and even tried to fly them!)
Finally, in the Chinese musical instrument class, students to play the hulusi, a Chinese flute. First they learned scales, then they learned a song!
After culture class, the East China students had a brief meeting and the students left school around 3:00 to see Beijing with their classmates and host siblings. Some groups of students went to Liulichang, some went to Houhai, and others went to the Pearl Market (Hongqiao).

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